Protein Folding: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches

Conference expenses


  • 3.000 PLN – full conference fee, includes conference registration, accommodation (2 or 3 persons in a room), all meals and conference banquet.
  • 1.600 PLN – includes registration, all meals, conference banquet, does not include accommodation.
  • 1.900 PLN – accompanying person’s fee, includes accommodation, all meals and conference banquet.
  • 100 PLN – online participant. Online participants will be provided with a Zoom link, and will be able to participate in all lectures.

If you require to be accommodated in a single room (depends on availability) – an extra charge 1.000 PLN is required.


The Conference account is:

PL 08 1600 1462 1022 1956 7000 0001
BGŻ BNP Paribas S.A., Oddział w Gdańsku
Add note: PKC2020, your_family_name, your_given_name


Electronic invoices will be handed during registration.
Please make sure that correct data for the invoice are put in the registration form.

Refund policy:

  • refund before July 30th – 100%
  • refund after July 30th – 50%